Power Mac G4
G4 Velocity Chip
Computers get marginally faster every year.
Megahertz, a popular (but simplistic)
measure of
performance, usually increases around
35% annually.
But once or twice in a decade, we
experience a
breakthrough that leaps far beyond
these incremental
steps. Today we present such a breakthrough:
new Power Mac G4. This is not just
the fastest Mac
in history. It's the fastest personal
computer in
Rather than
being just 35% faster, the new Power
Mac G4 is up to twice as fast as the
fastest Pentium
III-based PCs.*
With performance
increasing at its usual pace, the
new Power Mac G4 wouldn't have arrived
until 2003.
Fortunately, breakthroughs do happen.
And just in
time, too. Because your high-resolution
image files, special lighting effects,
3D rendering,
digital video and advanced speech-recognition
all have
one thing in common: they make insatiable
on your computer's processor.
Enter the Power
Mac G4. Quite simply the fastest
machine ever designed to run graphics
like Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and
the Power Mac G4 rips through processor-intensive
tasks like Gaussian blurs, lighting
effects, rotations
and color conversions.
New face, new
brain, new era
We love building the fastest, best-designed
in the world. We realize they're not
for everyone. But
for creative professionals, scientists,
educators, artists,
musicians and others who demand the
possible performance, they're often
nothing less than
With its Pentium-crushing
speed and
convention-crushing design, the Power
Mac G4 picks
up where the best-selling G3 left
off. Its enclosure
has evolved to a highly polished silver
and graphite,
yet it still offers easy access to
every internal
component through its unique swing-open
side door.
Beneath its
new face, however, is where the Power
Mac G4 really shines. At its core
is a brand-new
brain-the G4 processor-that redefines
performance for the entire industry.
And we've designed
the rest of the new Power Mac
G4 to keep up with the processor.
Our two high-end
models feature a 100MHz system bus
with three
times the memory bandwidth of the
G3. As well as
superfast Ultra ATA/66 hard drives
and accelerated
AGP 2X graphics.
So, if you're
one of those professionals who
routinely push their computer to the
limit, we invite
you to witness the beginning of a
new era of Power
Mac power.
Hold on tight.
The "graphic"
The OpenGL Effect
For Mac gamers, the Power Mac G4 and
OpenGL combination changes the rules of
the game. OpenGL lets developers
harness the power of the PowerPC G4
hardware acceleration to create Mac games
with professional-quality rendering,
texture-mapping and 3D graphics. The
result? Special effects that will leave even
hardcore gamers stunned.
There are people who can't afford
to wait
for their computers to catch up. From
creative professionals and scientists to
educators and 3D gamers. And to all of
you who want to spend less time waiting
and more time doing, we dedicate the new
Power Mac G4. It's perfect for
high-resolution image files, special
lighting effects, 3D rendering, digital video
and advanced speech-recognition.
So if you're the extraordinary
kind of
person who needs an extraordinary kind
of power, this could be the computer
you've been waiting for. Or, we should
say, the computer you won't have to wait
USB and FireWire ports give
you a world of creative
options-they support
joysticks, graphics tablets,
storage devices, printers,
scanners, cameras and lots
Power is the name of the game
is an admirable thing, but you know what
they say about
all work and no play. The Power Mac
G4 is perfectly
attuned to that philosophy (this is an
enlightened computer
in more ways than one).
As you might have guessed, the advent of the Power
Mac G4 has promising
ramifications for 3D gamers as
well. After all,
even though you might have developed
the hair-trigger
instincts of a fighter jock, you still need
something to
give you that decisive edge-
something that
goes beyond
fundamental game-playing
beyond an encyclopedic
of the perils
you encounter, and
beyond familiarity
with your arsenal
of virtual weaponry.
And that
something is
the generational shift in
speed and processing
power you get
with a Power
Mac G4. If you're a
serious gamer,
you'll never give your
computer the
night off again.
Wide Screen!!!
The set